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Home remedies for yeast infections: 10 sure-fire cures

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Candidiasis is an infection caused, in most cases, by the candida Albicans, a fungus responsible for more than half of the cases. This infection can be located in different parts of the body, such as the vagina, the esophagus, the mouth or the skin. Along with the medical treatment indicated by the specialist doctor, it is possible to resort to homemade remedies and natural ingredients to reduce symptoms and prevent it from becoming a recurring infection.


People who want to reduce their risk of candidiasis may find probiotics, especially in yogurt and supplements, an excellent ally to protect the body from excess candida, in addition to protecting the intestinal flora. Along with supplements, experts recommend regularly consuming yogurt without added sugars (especially the Greek type) as these favor the growth of the fungus associated with the appearance of candidiasis.

The essential oil of oregano can be a remedy

home remedies for yeast infections

It is important not to confuse oregano found in supermarkets with oregano oil, as it must be a pure ingredient, also known as Origanum vulgare. According to the data obtained from recent scientific studies, the essential oil of oregano has been found to be effective in preventing the growth of the C. albicans. One way to use it is through inhalation or the application of a few diluted drops on the area where the most severe symptoms are manifested (in the case of vaginal candidiasis its use is not recommended).

Coconut oil works as a remedy

Coconut oil has multiple properties, among which its antifungal properties stand out, preventing the appearance of the fungus C. albicans. This natural remedy is easy to obtain and is economical. An important fact to take into consideration is that to treat the symptoms of candidiasis, coconut oil must be 100% organic to be applied directly to the affected areas.

Apple cider vinegar


If you suffer from candidiasis, it is recommended to take a 20-minute bath with warm water and add half a cup of apple cider vinegar. The acidity of its components prevents the growth of microorganisms that may be harmful to the body. In general, a bath in a bathtub is recommended instead of a shower, since the latter eliminates practically all bacteria, even the good ones, which leaves sensitive areas such as the vagina without a system of protection against the appearance of candidiasis .

Cranberry juice for thrush

Cranberry juice has incredible properties that are beneficial to the body, especially if you want to prevent recurrent candidiasis infections. Regularly consuming this juice will considerably raise the levels of vitamin C in the body, giving the body the necessary tools to reduce the frequency with which this type of infection appears.


home remedies for yeast infections

People who suffer from recurrent yeast infections report that hydrogen peroxide, used as an antiseptic, is effective for most yeast infections. It is used topically in the case of skin infections, however for vaginal infections, it is recommended to dilute in natural water to obtain greater benefits.

Boric acid

Boric acid is a chemical compound that, among other benefits, contains antiseptic properties that protect the skin from recurrent candida infections and offers relief to people who suffer from severe symptoms. This acid is found in some talcs, although another option to enjoy its properties when suffering from vaginal candidiasis is through suppositories (but always remember to consult your doctor).

Vitamin C

home remedies for yeast infections

Vitamin C is one of the best allies to strengthen the immune system and find a balance in the body, which promotes good skin health and prevents recurrent infections. This vitamin provides the body with antimicrobial components,and can be consumed through supplements or foods such as citrus fruits, red bell peppers, broccoli and potatoes.

A tea tree oil remedy

Like boric acid, there are suppository supplements to treat vaginal candidiasis with tea tree oil, known to kill fungi, bacteria and fight some types of viruses. To apply it topically in affected areas it is suggested to dilute it with other types of oil such as jojoba or coconut. In the case of vaginal infections it is recommended to consult the use of suppositories to relieve symptoms.



Get rid of candidiasis with a garlic solution applied to the areas of the skin that present the most discomfort, especially if they are located in the mouth. Garlic has been shown to inhibit the growth of this fungus. To prevent recurrent yeast infection and take full advantage of the benefits that garlic offers, experts recommend consuming more of this food in your daily diet.

The post Home remedies for candidiasis: 10 foolproof cures appeared first on Mundo Hispanico

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